Weka - Data mining Tool W eka is a tool for big data and data mining. It is used to various classification, experiments, and analysis over large data sets. Installation Guide -weka You can download Weka from here and follow the normal installation procedure. After completion you will get following window, here you can begin your classification or experiment on different data sets with Weka.
5. Write a program to read any two numbers through the keyboard and to perform arithmetic operations (ie addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and display the result using scanf and printf function. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main () { int x, y, add, sub, mul, div; printf ("Enter the value of x and y:"); scanf ("% d% d", & x, & y); add = x + y; sub = xy; mul = x * y; div = x / y; printf ("\ nAddition =% d", add); printf ("\ nSubtraction =% d", sub); printf ("\ nMultiplication =% d", mul); printf ("\ nDivision =% d", div); getch (); }